Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Moving the roots.

I love Valentines Day!  We planted fruit trees years ago on the land. It was a good time to do it. (See older posts)  It was especially fitting for Valentine's weekend to move them to our urban homestead.  The deer have really taken a toll on them, gnawing and grubbing them.  Now they are replanted as bare root trees in the back property line of our house.  The Fuyu Persimmon, I planted on the front yard picket fence for its showy fruits.

The list includes:
Red Delicious Apple
Golden Delicious Apple
Elberta Peach
Balwin Pear
Spalding Pear
and two more I really can't identify, which is why I am writing these ones I know down in the blog, so I can possibly remember later.

The trip out to the land was wonderful.  We picked up some redwood pickets I have been saving and stockpiling for use on our new picket fence.  We spent a wonderful time with a picnic on the old quartz rock and dreaming of our house and ranch.  After many design changes, it is no surprise we came back with a new idea.  This time we are taking a very direct approach to the house design.  Let's get on the land as fast as possible by building a straight forward farmhouse directly on the site pad we have cleared, no twists, no complexities...  Ok, we'll try.  As two architects working together on their own home, simplicity is the hardest approach.  But the day was so spring like that we had a hard time leaving the land and were willing to do anything to settle on a design.  We snuggled on the sofa that night going through Google images of rustic farmhouses and scouring our architecture library for ideas and discussion points.

Meanwhile, the fruit trees will look great in our urban lot this spring when buds and blooms blossom.  I'll take pictures once they open.  And we will do without the deer's attempts at fine pruning.  We fully intend to re-transplant the trees once the farmhouse is built.

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